Nakatomi no Omimaro (中臣意美麻呂)

NAKATOMI no Omimaro (date of birth unknown - August 10, 711) was a government official in the Nara Period. His father was FUJIWARA no Kunitari. It is said that he married his Uncle, FUJIWARA no Kamatari's daughter and was adopted by his wife's family and then became the head of Fujiwara clan until Kamatari's biological son, FUJIWARA no Fuhito became an adult. He was addressed as NAKATOMI no Asomi after changing his last name from FUJIWARA no Asomi to his old name, NAKATOMI, in order to dedicate himself to religious activities. His name, Omimaro was written in different Chinese characters. His children included NAKATOMI no Azumahito and ONAKATOMI no Kiyomaro (the progenitor of the Onakatomi clan).

In 686, he was captureed for taking a part in the Prince Otsu's rebellion but released later. His position at that time was Otoneri (Royal Attendant). He was promoted to Jyusenshi no Kami (a director of the Mint) in 699, and to Sadaiben (Controller of the Left) in 705, and to Jingikan (officer of the institution for dedicating to religeous ceremony) and Chunagon (Minor Councillor) in 708. On April 7, 711, He received the title of Shoshinojo (Senior Forth Rank, Upper Grade); however, he died on August 10 of the same year. There is a priest named I no Maro in the Izumonokuni Fudoki, and he is thought to be the same person as Imimaro.

[Original Japanese]